• 98% satisfied customers
  • 72h delivery
  • 14 days to return



We accept order through:

- online shopping cart store www.artykulytechniczne.pl

- by phone at number (44)-755-04-05

- by phone at no.2 (44)-755-53-13

- e-mail biuro@artykulytechniczne.pl

The condition for accepting an order is to provide correct data which can be verified ( in case of providing incorrect, erroneous or data which cannot be verified, orders will not be realized) .

Placing an order is understood as filling out the order form located on the website and sending it to www.artykulytechniczne.pl. A correctly placed order defines the following:
contact and address data: orderer, recipient and payer
at least one item of a specific product along with the price
transportation costs - are added separately

Online ordering system www.artykulytechniczne.pl in any case reserves the right to verify the order made and cancel it in cases that justify doubts about its reliability.


  • Depending on the availability of the ordered product, the delivery time is up to 1-2 business days. If the product is not available, the buyer will be informed immediately.
  • Order processing applies to the territory of Poland.
  • Orders from outside the Polish borders are realized only by prior arrangement by phone at (44)-755-04-05.


  • Ordered products will be delivered directly to your company or place of residence, depending on the place of delivery chosen by you.
  • Orders are carried out only through DHL courier company.
  • Ordered goods are professionally protected against any damage


The shipping cost of the ordered goods depends on the choice of payment method

- transfer payment method - the goods are shipped after the payment is credited to the account,

- cash on delivery form of payment - the goods are sent immediately after proper verification of the recipient's data

  • Shipping price list depends on the weight, can be found in the transport costs tab
  • for orders over 300 PLN NETT shipping is free of charge

All orders are carried out by DHL courier company.

Shipping costs in our store depend on the weight.

For orders over 300 PLN net, shipping is at Our expense (does not include promotional products!).

For orders in which the PREPAYMENT payment option is marked shipping costs are 12,0 PLN net.

In case of orders, in which the payment option COD is marked shipping costs are net PLN 14.0.


  • Before the arrival of the courier:
    • Customer waiting for the shipment should prepare a tool with which to cut the tape and outer packaging of the shipment in order to check the contents
    • if in the course of ordering the Customer has chosen the payment option "cash on delivery" should prepare cash for payment
    • In the presence of the courier:
      • after the arrival of the courier, the external condition of the consignment should be checked in his presence
      • unpack and check the condition and completeness of the contents.
      • then receipt and pay for the shipment (in case of cash on delivery payment)

If there are any irregularities such as mechanical damage, inconsistency of completion - you should request the courier to draw up a damage protocol, which should include: information about the damage, securing the shipment from the outside and inside the package, and information about the warning markings on the outside of the package (whether there were stickers caution glass, top down).
The incident should be reported by phone and a copy of the damage report should be sent (by fax or mail) to:


  • At the stage of ordering the product, the customer chooses one of the available payment methods:
    • "ON COLLECT" i.e. paying for the shipment on delivery (the goods are shipped after the order is confirmed and the shipment is completed),
      Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. 12 1240 3129 1111 0010 9579 0537 (the goods are shipped after confirming the order, completing the shipment and crediting the money to the above-mentioned bank account),
    • "TRANSFER TO ACCOUNT" the goods are sent as soon as possible.
    • CASH - You can also make payment at the company's headquarters.


  • All the products we offer are original, new and unused. They come from legitimate sources, usually from the Manufacturer.
  • All products have a warranty specified by the manufacturer.
  • Descriptions and photos of the products are for reference only.
  • Our store is not responsible for changes made by the manufacturer in the completion and color scheme.
  • If the manufacturer changes the prices and the prices are not updated on the store's website, at the time of purchase the customer will be notified by phone to confirm the desire to purchase.


  • All products in our store come with a warranty.
  • The warranty is valid with the proof of purchase ( invoice), which must be presented in case of product complaint.


  • All data provided are protected and used by Technical Articles for the purpose of sales, shipping and invoicing of the ordered product.
  • Correspondence data is also used to keep customer records and to send out promotional information regarding our store (with the customer's consent).
  • Personal information will never be provided to third parties.


  • The prices on the store are NET (product list) and NET and GROSS (product page) and are based on the manufacturer's or importer's suggested prices.
  • In a situation where the manufacturer changes prices and they are not updated on the store's website, at the time of purchase the customer will be notified by phone to confirm the desire to make a purchase.
  • In the case of establishing permanent cooperation, we grant permanent discounts tailored to the individual customer.


  • According to the Act on protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products (Journal of Laws of 2000 No. 22 item 271) dated March 02, 2000. The customer has the right to return the purchased goods within 14 days from the date of delivery, regardless of the reason.
    • Purchased goods are returnable provided that:
      • it bears no traces of use, from which it would appear that it was used contrary to its intended purpose
      • it has no defects or damage, except those constituting grounds for complaint,
      • the violation of the packaging is limited to the minimum associated with the unpacking of the product
      • The seller undertakes to refund the value of the product within 14 days - from the time the buyer signs the corrective invoice, by bank transfer - to the account specified by the buyer.
      • The amount to be refunded is the amount due from the invoice for the products received. Shipping costs are not refundable. The customer sends back the returned goods at his own expense.
      • Tools made for special orders of the customer ( previously supplied by the customer ).

12 ODR platform

  • The ODR platform was created on the basis of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 524/2013 of May 21, 2013 on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC. Its purpose is to facilitate out-of-court dispute resolution for consumers with a trader (online store). Its assistance can be used to pursue claims arising from online sales or service contracts concluded between a customer and a trader established in the EU.

    ODR platform address: ec.europa.eu/odr


The ordered goods are shipped via DHL courier. If the Order is sent by 12:00 a.m. of the working day, the goods are shipped the same day and the next day should be at the customer.

1 Principle: Shipping 24H

Goods purchased from our company through the online store or by phone or e-mail on the working day until 12:00, after approval is implemented (sent by DHL courier) is the same working day

2 Principle: Selection of brand-name products

Our store offers tools from well-known and proven manufacturers, both domestic and foreign. You can find details here

3 Rule: You can return the goods up to 14 Days.

It is possible to return unused and unpackaged goods without giving any reasons within 14 days of sending the goods from our company. In order to ensure your satisfaction, we meet your expectations and you can return the goods in case of mistake or any other reason.


This privacy policy is intended to outline the ways we use to collect, use and share the personal information you provide while using the site.

Please read this Privacy Policy before using our service and before providing any personal information.

The administrator of the personal data provided by you is the company Artykuły Techniczne Sp. z o.o. at 6 Kwiatowa Street, 26-300 Opoczno NIP: 768-184-31-10, unless expressly indicated otherwise.

What data do we process?

We process data that you provide or leave as part of your use of the site

  • basic identification data, address data, e-mail address and telephone number;
  • data obtained through the use of technology.

This data is processed only for the purpose of processing the order placed, phone numbers and address is provided in the waybill for possible contact of the courier. The e-mail address is processed for the purpose of shipment advisement, so that you have constant information about the status of the shipment.

Personal Data Protection Administrator

To ensure you that your data will always be processed in a lawful manner, we have appointed a Personal Data Protection Administrator. You can contact the Data Protection Supervisor at biuro@artykulytechniczne.pl.

Where is your data stored?

The personal data collected is stored in the European Economic Area ("EEA").

Data security

We declare that we process your personal data in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as RODO) and the Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data.

Your personal data is processed with appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of such data. However, despite the use of safeguards in accordance with current knowledge and standards, the risk of use of personal data by unauthorized persons through the crime of theft of such data cannot be excluded.

Why do we process your data?

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • use of the Service on the basis of your interest (the basis of Article 6(1)(b) RODO);
  • the performance of a legal obligation, if such an obligation is imposed on us (the basis of Article 6(1)(c) RODO);
  • analytical, e.g., to select services for you, your needs; to optimize products and services based on your comments, your interest, application technical logs; to optimize service processes based on the course of service processes, which is our legitimate interest (the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
  • archival (evidentiary) for the preservation of information in the event of a legal need to prove facts, which is our legitimate interest (the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
  • for the possible establishment, investigation or defense against claims, which is our legitimate interest (the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
  • to receive commercial information, if you have consented to receive commercial information (legal basis from Article 6(1)(a) RODO);
  • to survey your satisfaction and determine the quality of services, which is our legitimate interest (legal basis from Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
  • to offer you products and services directly (direct marketing), including matching them to your needs using profiling, which is our legitimate interest (basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO).

How long do we keep your data?

Your data obtained for the purpose of using the Service is stored for the period of use of the Service or the period necessary for the conclusion and performance of the related contract. If a contract is concluded, we process your personal data until the end of the statute of limitations for potential claims arising from the contract. We process personal data that we process for marketing purposes and satisfaction surveys only for the duration of the contract binding us or until you make a valid objection.

Is there a requirement to provide data?

Provision of personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide data marked as necessary to provide services to you will prevent the provision of services to you.

What are your rights related to the processing of personal data?

You have the following rights in connection with our processing of your personal data:

- The right to access your data, including obtaining a copy of your data,

- The right to request rectification of your data

- The right to have your data erased (in certain situations),

- The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority dealing with personal data protection,

- The right to restrict data processing.

If your data is processed on the basis of consent you may additionally exercise the following rights:

The right to withdraw consent to the extent that they are processed on that basis. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

If your data is processed on the basis of consent or as part of the service provided (the data is necessary for the purpose of providing the service) you may additionally exercise the following rights:

The right to portability of personal data, i.e. to receive your personal data from the controller, in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format. You can send this data to another data controller.

To exercise the above rights, please contact the controller or the Data Protection Officer (data above).

To which recipients will your data be transferred?

We may share your personal data with third parties - our partners - only in connection with the fulfillment of the purposes of the service or for the proper performance of the contract, if it is concluded.

Your data may also be transferred to our subcontractors, i.e. entities we use to conduct our business and provide services, including IT service providers, marketing agencies, however such entities process data on the basis of a contract concluded with us and only in accordance with our instructions in compliance with the requirements of RODO and the Personal Data Protection Act.

Your personal data may be transferred to entities entitled to receive them under applicable laws, including judicial authorities. We may also transfer your data to judicial authorities in order to protect our own legitimate interests or to assert our rights, in particular if you violate the law.